Tag Archives: village life

Back and Stuff

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We’re home and unpacked, which is yay. Z’s mom made us dinner and brought it over, which was super awesome. We would have managed to make food happen one way or another, but not having to think about it is even better. We also got home to find out that our neighbour died while we were away. I cannot say… Read more »

Out of Doors

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I had a routine ob/gyn appointment this afternoon, which meant a brisk walk through the village to and from the surgery. I couldn’t help but notice all the lovely flowers on the way, so here’s a sampling of what I saw on my way around. But, most importantly, the appointment being over means that I can *finally* move into thinking… Read more »

Outside Exists

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On today, the hottest day of the year so far — I left the house not once, but twice. I had an order come in last night on my way home from the pub, and then another one pretty much as soon as I had sat down and finished a sandwich after the first trip. Which was fine! I needed… Read more »

I Earned This Coffee

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Today, I celebrate my first sale, woo! Granted, it was a custom request that predated me setting up the store, but it also is kind of the thing that nudged me into doing it. Tippy wanted to pay me what my efforts were worth, and I guess I needed that bit of validation to take a big step and *try*… Read more »


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The next point that I have to think about doing anything on this jumper is at 3 and 3/4 inches — 3.75, if you will. It’s currently at just about 3 inches; I should probably try to estimate how many rows more I need to go. I also need to remember that when I do the increase that the pattern… Read more »

When Weather Happens

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Finally, the snow thing occurred. We woke up with a nice accumulation, and it was a fairly steady fall for most of the morning. We managed to get outside twice as a group for a bit of a play, so that was excellent. I’m probably going to pay for it, but. Even feeling like crap and not wanting to move,… Read more »

She’s a Star

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Today, we went to see the littlest in her first school Nativity. She was one of the kings/wise men, which amounted to standing there looking cute, and occasionally remembering to half-assedly join in with the songs. It wasn’t Shakespeare, but it definitely was cute. I commented to Z on the way home that I sort of wish we’d tried to… Read more »

It Begins

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One of the houses in the village that went all out for Halloween has made a start on their Christmas decorations. If that’s what they want to do, then good on them — but I still roll my eyes slightly. While smiling. As said, to each their own, but it’s not for me personally. Doesn’t mean I’m going to disparage… Read more »

Where the Paintwork Ends

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The roadworks in the village are proceeding nicely. The road is repaved to the end of our street, so that makes it less fussy to get in and out (or would if we had a working car, more on that in a mo). They had only done the road painting to that point when I was doing the school run,… Read more »

Progress in Motion

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There are lots of resurfacing works being done in the village right now, necessitating road closures. This was one of the signs I passed on the school run; the guy in the car behind said sign gave me a very unimpressed look. Sorry mate, there was something new and shiny to catch my eye, and I have a thing for… Read more »