Tag Archives: politics


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I was very happy last night, as I met my desired knitting goal — I finished the half of the front I was working on. I also sat down and got the second half mathed out, so I’ve managed a few rows of that today. I don’t know what my knitting end goal for today is at this point, but… Read more »

This is My Tired Face

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Though if I’m honest, tired is understating the mark. I hurt, and I am exhausted. Still, I’m trying really hard to step up and let Z rest up and heal as much as possible, and that includes tackling some hard jobs like trying to, le gasp, keep on top of the laundry (which is something we’re never on top of,… Read more »

Downstairs Exile

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The weather was hot again today, and is supposed to be hot again tomorrow. And tonight. So last night, we all slept downstairs under the auspices of two ceiling fans and the air conditioner, and it looks like we’ll be doing it again. Z and I are discussing the logistics of it, as we can’t do what we did last… Read more »


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I am pleased, because my second skein of the Chroma wool cooperated with being turned into a cake. I love the watermelon-y feel to it, and after a bit of looking around, i found a pattern that looks interesting. I’m pretty sure that the skein should go the distance, but if not, I might do the toes in the remnants… Read more »

Not Enough Popcorn

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We came, we voted, we… got a hung Parliament. I’m somehow okay with this — to a point. That Despicable May has chosen to form a government with the DUP, and not even able to make a ‘proper’ coalition of it… well. As people pointed out today, the fact she’s having to rely on non-English MPs for various legislation makes… Read more »

Nearly, but Not Quite!

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Looking at the ball of wool, and looking at the first sock, I think I can safely say that they’re not going to end up near identical. I’m fine with that though, more than fine with it. I’m pretty sure I’ve said it any number of times, but one of the joys of variegated wools (to me) is the little… Read more »


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Yes, the sky was actually that bright and blue without me needing to help it. In fact, I couldn’t actually see what I was trying to photograph when I did — because it was too bright for me to be able to see my phone properly. So yanno, lucky me that a semi-decent picture came of it, ha ha Really… Read more »


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I don’t know if I can call it rain per se, but some amount of water has forced itself out of the sky, grudgingly. The weather still claims that we’ll see some rain today, but. *shrugs* I am not complaining. It’s been cooler, I’m comfortable, and able to wear an extra layer. Heck, I even was able to sleep under… Read more »

There’s So Much Fun In…

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Covfefe! Yes, I took took vast amusement at Emperor Tang’s questionable late-night half-tweet. I ended up creating this image here, as well as another one you can find on (one of my) my Twitter account. I’m back at the later time of ‘whups, should be in bed’ because I lost track of time before going out knitting. E stayed in… Read more »

Fab, Innit

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The last couple of days have slammed into ‘hot’ so hard that I find myself wanting ice lollies like none other. And like, where last week ice cream was divine, this week I’m past the point where I sanely want to put dairy anything in my face. A bit of chocolate and vanilla is fine over the strawberry, but alas,… Read more »