Tag Archives: life

Bits & Pieces

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I am currently knitting the final bit for this puzzle of a project. I’m pretty happy with how all the bits individually look, but we’ll see how they look once I join ’em up.  I don’t know that I’ll get to that tonight, but probably over the weekend. Maybe. *laughs*  I’ve done a fabulous job of doing nothing but play Two… Read more »


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Our near future rearrangement plans have to do with moving Smalls’ laptop into the study, and Littler’s laptop where Smalls’ laptop currently is (behind mine). The latter is currently buried in the pile of stuff behind me, in what was once reputedly a crafting desk for the girls. Let’s be honest, I’ve been rubbish about letting them use the space… Read more »

Break the Spine

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Today was the first day back to school, and because of how the school does the Reception year, I had to go pick Littler up at midday. It was sort of nice, insomuch that it’s been some time since I’ve had to do that. She was very chatty, and it was a pleasant walk back home. We get to do… Read more »

Stop! Thief!

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The last couple of times I’ve gone to my in-law’s house, I’ve nicked a couple of oranges off of the table. I do this because I wanted some oranges to eat, and because my in-laws genuinely don’t care if I snaffle some of their fruit supplies. So Z, being a sensible sort, suggested that we actually buy some. Alas, I… Read more »

Little Knits

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Now that I’ve finished the shawlette, I’ve been doing a couple of small projects. I just finished one off (the variegated on top), and just cast off on a ‘one evening’ project. At least, that’s what it claims, but I know from past experience that it takes longer. Maybe if all I did was knit rather than knit while doing other… Read more »

Best Seat in the House

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Z had a coupon for Ocado, so he used it to get our Dr Pepper stocks replenished at a reasonable price. I got called into the foyer earlier by Smalls because she thought Littler was cute sitting on the stack, and she was not wrong. Smalls couldn’t get her sister to do the cute thing she had been doing before… Read more »

Om Nom Nom

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I’ve had the shredder unplugged for awhile because I was using my light to do/redo photos for my shop. I sucked it up and plugged it back in today, because I figured if I got a start on my build up shredding, then perhaps it would encourage me to work a bit harder at tidying other things up. Of course,… Read more »

Bedtime Pals

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One thing that is very common amongst my nearest and dearest is a continued love of stuffed animals. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel sad for those who don’t. I mean, squishy! Huggable! Not going to sass back if you pour your heart out to them! And while they don’t make up a part of… Read more »

The First Leg

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Hello from a hotel! We have completed the first leg of travel, and are safely ensconced in our room. Z and Smalls went to the car to fetch up a few bits, then we’re gonna have coffee. Coooooffeeee…. *laughs* I’m not the biggest coffee person, but right now, it sounds like bliss. On the whole, the first leg of travel… Read more »


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Assassination via cuteness? I don’t really know, ha ha. I do know that I am in good spirits though! I had a spiffing bath, and am reaping the reward that is the badass feeling of clean hair. I also made a dent in the work that I wanted to get done before we go on vacation, so that was also… Read more »