Assassination via cuteness? I don’t really know, ha ha. I do know that I am in good spirits though! I had a spiffing bath, and am reaping the reward that is the badass feeling of clean hair. I also made a dent in the work that I wanted to get done before we go on vacation, so that was also very satisfying. I’ll see what D says when he sees my email annotating what was done, what needs to be done, and so on. I feel a little bad because there are some things that I feel I should be apt at by now when I’m not quite there… and it’s reasonable that I’m not quite there. I’ve not been doing it as long as D (for example), and I also have the ADHD to fight against. I’ll keep working hard and trying to get better, and yanno, it’ll keep going in the right direction. 🙂
I can’t really think of anything else right now. I need to get through tomorrow, and then hopefully I can turn my mind to vacation prep.