Tag Archives: socks

Shoes Off, Showing Off

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When it’s a knitting night, I like to wear socks I’ve made to show off. It’s in part to show off to my fellow crafters; I like showing off, but I love seeing their projects too! But also, as a point of inspiration for any rubberneckers who happen go past us. Seeing people sitting and knitting in public elicits one of… Read more »

Such a Heel

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I turned the heel on the sock yesterday and started down the body of the foot. It generally goes pretty quickly from this point, so yay for that. I’m mildly annoyed because I don’t know what my project is going to be. Well. I’m going to do a cat hat or two to donate for our charity event in September,… Read more »

Fiddly Fun

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After doing a few rows of a gauge square and going meh, I decided to go ahead and get the first couple of rows of sockage started. This is all of a row and a half in, but mainly I just wanted to get it started before going out tonight. That way, I have the choice between working on the… Read more »

Coming Along

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After some false starts (and then more false starts), I’m starting to make some good progress on joining up the ‘squares’. I’m currently attaching the 11th, which heeeey. Not bad. I’m thinking this is going to be joined up faster than I thought… then comes weaving in the five million ends. Blergh. But let’s be honest, that normally goes fairly… Read more »

Speeding Along

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I had a really good night of knitting and chatting last night, and a bit of knitting today, and suddenly my first sock is almost five inches long. I checked my leg length on my last pair of socks, and it was all of 4.5 inches. I should probably move on to the heel flap soon before it gets too… Read more »

Not Exactly My Forte

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First things first — I finished my socks last night, as I thought I would. I think I am going to debut them tomorrow, as they would look grand over a pair of black leggings. Secondly, as my cool-down project, I decided I would finish the poor mouse that has been languishing on my desk for… well, quite some time… Read more »

Nearly, but Not Quite!

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Looking at the ball of wool, and looking at the first sock, I think I can safely say that they’re not going to end up near identical. I’m fine with that though, more than fine with it. I’m pretty sure I’ve said it any number of times, but one of the joys of variegated wools (to me) is the little… Read more »

Другой День, Другой Доллар

Or, in English — ‘Another day, another dollar’. That is never more true than on the first working day of the month. A new month means doing year end accounts for anything ending the previous month, and those need to be done as fast as possible. There’s only three from May, and I’ve got two of them pretty much turned… Read more »

Let’s Go All the Way

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I continue to feel optimistic that I am going to end up with mainly matching socks somehow. I’m not fussed if I do, but I feel like it earns me ninja points or something, ha ha. If I were truly fussed about that sort of thing, I could have acquired two 50g skeins and tried to match starting points… but… Read more »

Natural Light!

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Eurovision time, just about! Smallhausen and I went to the train station to pick up our friend Jezebelle. I was oddly nervous about making the trip as I had never driven that way on my own, but it was fine. I had a laugh ’cause I second-guessed which way I was going and went the wrong way at one point,… Read more »