Tag Archives: holiday

Back and Stuff

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We’re home and unpacked, which is yay. Z’s mom made us dinner and brought it over, which was super awesome. We would have managed to make food happen one way or another, but not having to think about it is even better. We also got home to find out that our neighbour died while we were away. I cannot say… Read more »

This Onion is Alarmed

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One of my favourite signs in this country is the signs you see on doors proclaiming, ‘This door is alarmed‘. While a perfectly valid language in both British and American English, the default connotation in the latter is that something has been startled or upset, rather than yanno, having an alarm. I commented that this onion looked alarm, and Z… Read more »

Away With the Ferries

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Ferries, faeries, har har har. Z just commented that Smalls says the former like the latter, which… maybe that’s why this went into my head. I don’t really know. It could also be that I am an eXtreme smart-ass. It’s been a pretty decent day all told. We got up at a reasonable hour this morning, which was good ’cause… Read more »

The First Leg

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Hello from a hotel! We have completed the first leg of travel, and are safely ensconced in our room. Z and Smalls went to the car to fetch up a few bits, then we’re gonna have coffee. Coooooffeeee…. *laughs* I’m not the biggest coffee person, but right now, it sounds like bliss. On the whole, the first leg of travel… Read more »

Nearly Ready

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Tomorrow is the day we set off. This picture was from a trip to the store to grab a few last-minute bits, and I took this while waiting for Z to get checked out (I take the girls past the tills so they’re not in the way). I’ve got my non-suitcase bags to finish sorting, but it’s coming along. I… Read more »

It’s Getting Real

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Today’s task for the fam was to get our cases packed for our holiday. Z is a mega-star and sorted out his case, and the girls’ cases, leaving just mine to me. I’ve probably packed too much because that’s what I tend to do, but at least it’s done. Tomorrow I’ll have to deal with my other bags, but those… Read more »

Out of Doors

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I had a routine ob/gyn appointment this afternoon, which meant a brisk walk through the village to and from the surgery. I couldn’t help but notice all the lovely flowers on the way, so here’s a sampling of what I saw on my way around. But, most importantly, the appointment being over means that I can *finally* move into thinking… Read more »


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Assassination via cuteness? I don’t really know, ha ha. I do know that I am in good spirits though! I had a spiffing bath, and am reaping the reward that is the badass feeling of clean hair. I also made a dent in the work that I wanted to get done before we go on vacation, so that was also… Read more »


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So, I think I’ve mentioned before that I bought a ball of wool from Wish. Since I didn’t really know what else to do with 50g of ‘wool’ (as the label claims it to be), I figured I’d go for a shawlette pattern that I like for this sort of thing. I don’t know what I make of the ‘wool’… Read more »

Outside Again *grumps*

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Well okay, not a full-on grump. Z proposed that we take the girls down to The Range to see if we could find anything to help keep them occupied on vacation (and the trips to and from). They’ve got water bottles for the car, a set of coloured pencils to share between them, and a couple of little colouring books…. Read more »