Tag Archives: school

Out With the Old…

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Today, we finally got a chore done that should have gotten done a looong time ago — we got rid of the chairs that came with the house that we kept as a joke. Z and I got them taken outside and loaded up, and he took them to the tip. He also took Smalls with him, and they picked… Read more »


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Or something, heh. I’ve not done as many things as I meant to do today, but I’ve done some… some is better than none. I also made myself contact the seller that I hadn’t gotten all my bits from. I hate having to do that, and more so because they got something wrong in my last order and I’m all… Read more »


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I did it! I cast off on the last blanket square today for a grand total of forty. I’ve gotten the first two joined, and a third that I’ve had to remove. I had joined it up the wrong way around, so the rows didn’t match up. The current attempt to join up is looking much better. 🙂 Today has… Read more »


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I somehow managed to completely forget to blog last night… oh well. I’m sort of glad because it tells my brain that breaking perfect streaks isn’t going to break the world. I’ve got so much weird anxiety about that, which, I know. *doinks brain and chuckles* It’s silly. I’m mildly annoyed at Facebook right now. I decided I was going… Read more »

Then There Were Four

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I didn’t expect to be settling up Littler’s laptop today. But then, I also didn’t expect to be disturbing her little plant pot. Poison was on the table and I was giving her some pets and brushing, and instead of moving the plant to safety, I just tried to move it to a higher spot on the desk… which didn’t… Read more »

Arse Kickery

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I wasn’t sure what I was expecting with the Seasonal thing on Diablo III, but so far I am liking it. There’s something about having a structure that makes the game more enjoyable to me; it’s part of why I play lots of Legacy games in The Sims. The real question is going to be if I enjoy doing it… Read more »

The Last Day

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Today is the last day of the kiddos being quarantined from school. Tomorrow… is the last day of school. I’m glad that they get to go in, and they’re glad too. And, thankfully, we all held it together today on the whole. I am feeling a bit cruddier, but like… at least tomorrow I just have me to take care… Read more »

All the Waiting

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Today, I was waiting for a package being delivered by Hermes. The last week and change where we have had deliveries from them, they haven’t knocked on the door and we were starting to get a bit ticked. Then Z realised the doorbell batteries had gone flat again, and got those changed before Hermes showed up today. Lo and behold,… Read more »

When Weather Happens

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Finally, the snow thing occurred. We woke up with a nice accumulation, and it was a fairly steady fall for most of the morning. We managed to get outside twice as a group for a bit of a play, so that was excellent. I’m probably going to pay for it, but. Even feeling like crap and not wanting to move,… Read more »

She’s a Star

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Today, we went to see the littlest in her first school Nativity. She was one of the kings/wise men, which amounted to standing there looking cute, and occasionally remembering to half-assedly join in with the songs. It wasn’t Shakespeare, but it definitely was cute. I commented to Z on the way home that I sort of wish we’d tried to… Read more »