Monthly Archives: July 2022

Grind Grind Grind

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Past the turn, and on to the grind. How long before I get bored of going up? Hopefully quite a few more inches. We’ll see! Nothing super much going on today. I’ve got my photobox up and am trying to convince myself to get stuck in, but pre-shooting logistics eat my head, like trying to scale up what I was… Read more »

*shakes fist at sky*

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Z needed to go outside and trim back our blackberry bramble, and asked if I’d come out and keep him company. Well, sure, I guess. And then I remembered that natural light exists out there, and *hisses softly*. But that’s fine, ha ha. It’s some good Vitamin D or sommat. Mainly feeling okay today. Bit of dizzy, light enough of… Read more »

Dear Diary

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So uh, I guess I’m keeping a food diary of sorts. *laughs* It’s going okay so far. I’m only putting in the barest of notes, and mainly, just to frame taking a couple of blood tests a day. I’m hoping that it will serve me in good stead for medication when I see the diabetes nurse in a few weeks;… Read more »


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It feels nice to go back to the most basic AF sock-making after ages. I might pick something more challenging for my next pair, when I get there, but we’ll see. I have been fending off the worst headache all day; Z reckons it’s due to the sudden reduction of sugar going into me. He’s probably right, and in the… Read more »

The ‘Beetus

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Finally had my phone appointment with my doctor this morning; he declares me to be diabetic. So it goes. I’m in next month to talk to the diabetic nurse about treatment, ,and choosing to assume that the diabetes is a potential factor in the severity of the vertigo BS lately. Z ent to the shop for me, picked up some… Read more »

Nope. Just Nope.

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So uh, got slapped with a murder wave of vertigo earlier. Staring in the far distance did nothing to try and centre my brain. My bucket was my dearest of friends. I was vibrating… and I think that it all adds up to ‘should’ve called 999/gone to A&E’. I told Z that, so we’ll think about what we want to… Read more »


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Sock #1 is coming along alright. I dropped the end of row stitch marker at some point and had to estimate how many I’d done before I realised what had happened. But it’s fine, it’s fine. I can just go by measurement if the rows don’t quite go together. The main places I specifically need the number mapping are the… Read more »


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We got all three of the furkids through flea baths this morning/afternoon. None of them were keen on it, but Vivi was the only one who managed to claw me up. All of them were pretty chill about being towelled up and in my lap for a bit of combing and drying. Everyone has returned to normal levels of fluff… Read more »


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I’d commented to Z that I had been tempted to buy some ridiculously huge googly eyes for our a/c upstairs — like, seven inch. He said three would be fine, and then acquired enough for me to apply them to all four a/c units. The ones in Smaller’s room have already fallen off, but I said I’d try to get… Read more »


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I decided that I wanted to upgrade my lightbox to something bigger, and whelp. It’s bigger! *grins* I’m not quite ready to start taking pictures of things, but I’m looking forward to it when I find the spoons to do that. Not much today really. Turned off my alarm and slept in. I’ll put my weekday alarm for 9am, but… Read more »