Tag Archives: small business


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The shawlette is blocked and happy, hail shawlette. I need to whip up a cheerful post for the store FB page focusing on you could win this, but yanno, gotta get this done. I had a friend point out to me this morning that I call myself unproductive every day, and then immediately contradict myself. So I was pleased to… Read more »


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Amongst the five million other jobs Z did today, he found time to help me build my new chair. I didn’t expect it to take long, but it was over even faster than I expected. Apparently it was designed to be done by one person, so two definitely made for quicker hands. While the distance between my butt and the… Read more »

Ugh, Finally

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After too much long a ridicul-time, I finally have the remainder of my order that went missing/never made it to me/never shipped? I messaged the seller to confirm receipt, and told him that I hope we’d not have to talk to each other again in a long time (but that as it stood, I still intended to purchase from them)…. Read more »

Making Progress

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I have made some minor progress on getting earrings listed and organised. Which is to say, the easy ones are mainly done. The main problem now is trying to figure out how I am going to do the listings. With the shell bead ones, there are three different styles, and lots of different potential colours, so it’s trying to figure… Read more »


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I am grudgingly starting to get the earrings I’ve made listed. This has requires me to attempt to find ways to get the earrings  positioned for best photographing, hence the little yellow triangles. It seems to be helping a bit, though I had to make a little one a bit flatter to get… well. Angles. Things. Fancy, ha ha. I… Read more »

Such a Heel

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I turned the heel on the sock yesterday and started down the body of the foot. It generally goes pretty quickly from this point, so yay for that. I’m mildly annoyed because I don’t know what my project is going to be. Well. I’m going to do a cat hat or two to donate for our charity event in September,… Read more »


      2 Comments on Sere

The weather was cooler today, which was lovely. I had a trip to the post office in mind already, so I made it a slightly longer one so I could hit up the Gym down the road. While out, it finally struck me that yes, we haven’t had rain in over a month now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen… Read more »

No Dice

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For all my preparation and the like, I sold exactly nothing. *laughs* My only ‘profit’ was a plate of little cakes that E’s husband brought around, which was super sweet of him. But really, it’s fine. I’m proud that I made myself go out and do the thing, and that I was pleasant and attempting to engage people who came… Read more »

Nearly Ready, I Guess

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I got my box for tomorrow packed today, and then asked friends for any advice they might have for someone doing a meatspace sales thing. Several brought up displays and my anxiety clung onto that and tried to force a panic attack… not cool. I was able to concretely clarify later that there was going to be almost nobody there… Read more »

Outdoor Science

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Z had the bright idea that we should check out how to get the gazebo up before the weekend, so we went outside to do science.  The tl;dr is that it’s not too hard to get up, and not too hard to get down. I… missed out on the second part because I completely spaced out. But at least it… Read more »