Monthly Archives: December 2021

S’okay Okay

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Nothing much to report today. I’m currently on another bit of thread shopping; our wages and Christmas bonuses are in, so I can wreak a smidge of havoc (not that buying thread is really that havoc-y, but anyways). But I had realised that I’d missed some important flags on my first pass, so I’m making a point to work on… Read more »

So Good

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As y’all have probably all noticed, I chuffin’ love it when there’s a cat on the back of ‘my’ couch. What can I say, it’s impossible to resist feline magnificence. 🙂 Not too much today. Got a few chores done, booked in to visit another immunocompromised friend next week. I have tribute to pay to her kitten, you see. And… Read more »

New Eyes

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My eyes are feeling super dry today. I’m probably not like, blinking enough. I should probably put some drops in, and like, close them for a few minutes. Heh. I’m not good at these things; I like to use my eyes a bit more than is probably healthy, ha ha. Nothing really going on. Which is what I wanted, so… Read more »

Getting an Upgrade

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My bigger binder came in yesterday; obviously, I love it. Gonna have to buy some more inset sleeves and thread, because I ca-aa-aaan. *grins* Nothing much to add to that. I’ve got myself a headache and should probably take something for it, get more water/caffeine in me, etc. The joys of maintaining homeostasis, innit. ¬¬ <3

Down the Churchyard

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We braved the rain and had a wander around the churchyard to pay our respects to the deceased. The rain did stop pretty quickly, though everything was fairly damp… I wore the wrong shoes for it, ha ha. But it’s fine. We had a good wander, and I now know where the other memorial garden is. I was pleased to… Read more »

Second Home

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Instead of hosting Mum at ours for dinner, as has become our Sunday tradition, we went around to hers and ordered a takeaway. Her (step)sister was visiting, so it was nice to chat with her for the first time in years. Past that, nothing to report. Yawning my head off. Hopefully that translates to an excellent night of sleep. <3

Dinner Divine

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And lo, another corker of a Christmas dinner in the bag. Mum is a great cook, not that she gives herself credit for it. I’m currently horizontal the wrong way across ‘my’ chair in the lounge, digesting cheerfully. Gonna get up in a minute to have some trifle, probably. Could also just take it home whole and eat it later…… Read more »

Heavy Metal

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There is precisely one reason I own an iron, and it’s to apply as needed to craft projects. Since I’m planning on selling the cross-stitch flags, that means doing the washing/blocking/ironing/whatever before framing them up. I’ve got them pressed and on the side for the moment. Whether they get a second pass, we’ll see. They don’t really need it probably…. Read more »

Pick and

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My second lot of thread didn’t arrive today, very sad. Z pointed out that his incoming post that arrived today should’ve been here yesterday, so like… patience, I guess. I’m only annoyed ’cause I need them in situ to finish picking the right shades for the progressive/inclusive flag. I know what red I’m using, so I’m starting on that for… Read more »

Hey Bud

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I’d cracked the blinds to let in some gloriously overcast natural light, when I clocked the shrub outside my window is covered in berry-bud-things. I didn’t expect it… does this happen every year and I just don’t notice? That’s as likely as anything else, to be fair. Nothing fancy on the agenda today. Z ordered pizza, so that was nice…. Read more »