Down the Churchyard

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We braved the rain and had a wander around the churchyard to pay our respects to the deceased. The rain did stop pretty quickly, though everything was fairly damp… I wore the wrong shoes for it, ha ha. But it’s fine. We had a good wander, and I now know where the other memorial garden is. I was pleased to clock that our previous neighbour was there with her husband and son; I was vaguely aware that the son was there, but didn’t know otherwise. Then ironically, we were chatting with another person who had noted the son’s stone with curiosity; it states on it that he died in an air crash. I had thought that it was a car accident myself, but it was of interest to Mum that chatting with another random villager circled around a family I was trying to specifically spot.

Beyond that, not doing anything. All is well.


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