Tag Archives: parenting

Little Knits

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Now that I’ve finished the shawlette, I’ve been doing a couple of small projects. I just finished one off (the variegated on top), and just cast off on a ‘one evening’ project. At least, that’s what it claims, but I know from past experience that it takes longer. Maybe if all I did was knit rather than knit while doing other… Read more »

A Little Trim

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I have been wearing my hair down a bit more lately, because why not. I fell out of the habit when I was in the Air Force because I had to keep it bunned up at work, and just sort of left it be between getting home and going to bed. Yeah, I know, I’ve been out almost twice as… Read more »

Om Nom Nom

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I’ve had the shredder unplugged for awhile because I was using my light to do/redo photos for my shop. I sucked it up and plugged it back in today, because I figured if I got a start on my build up shredding, then perhaps it would encourage me to work a bit harder at tidying other things up. Of course,… Read more »

Uggggh, Stupid Feelings

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Today, I found my neighbour’s obituary online. And, apparently, I’m not done grieving… grand. We weren’t even close or anything, but the whole ‘having real feelings like a real girl’ thing sometimes gets a bit exhausting. Speaking of girls, they came home from visiting their grandparents in a strop. Apparently, Littler was being mean to Smalls, so I gave them… Read more »

That’s No Kerning Error…

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As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I was half-assedly reading the tube. So imagine my vast amusement to find this non-kerning typo, ha ha. We had the same again in the ‘kids’ range, which lacks the error. I should probably contact the manufacturer in question to see if they are aware of the typo, but another part of… Read more »

Ear Candy

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I only got around to trying to make a few bits for the fete this afternoon, and my direction is apparently earrings. I’ve only done the two styles for the moment, but I like them and plan on doing some more in these veins. I’m very exhausted from weather right now. It was the school sports day, so we went… Read more »


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That spells moon. And yanno, two of ’em over the sky of Skyrim, I think. I think this was while I was taking the very long trek to Riften… all the treks in this game are long the first time, ha ha. It’s been nice though, chilling out and playing. And it’s been even nicer for the fact that yes,… Read more »


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Today is Mother’s Day (or Mothering Sunday) here in the United Kingdom. I got Z to take a few pictures of me and the girls being sweet/goofy/very us, such as this one at home. We’re currently at his parent’s house hanging out and eating. The girls have sung karaoke at us, cards were exchanged, and affirmations of affection were passed… Read more »

A Little Company

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Yup, you probably guessed it — Littler ended up staying home today. She took it easy, and made sure to get lots and lots of cuddles. She even talked me into reading a book to her. I tend to avoid reading children’s books out loud because they dry my throat out, but this was rhyming enough that it didn’t do… Read more »

Cuffs and Collars

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Or, more accurately, the first seven inches or so of the first sleeve for the jumper. I’m quite glad that I made a point to order the smaller circular, as I feel I am making better progress because of it. I need to make myself work on it a bit more assiduously, but that shouldn’t be too hard with mild… Read more »