I have been wearing my hair down a bit more lately, because why not. I fell out of the habit when I was in the Air Force because I had to keep it bunned up at work, and just sort of left it be between getting home and going to bed. Yeah, I know, I’ve been out almost twice as long as I’ve been in, but anyways, it took awhile to get back into the habit of down. And in the last couple of days, it’s been doing my head in because the ends were snaking across my arms… so I trimmed a little bit off the end. A ‘little bit’ is apparently half a foot; there’s no real noticeable difference to the length with that much removed. I am slightly tempted to take a few more inches off, but I am going to sit on that (without sitting on my hair, since it’s not long enough to anymore xD).
Today was perfect, work-wise. I’m pretty much caught up, which I didn’t dare to think I could do this week. I thanked the girls for being patient and cooperative with me, because I couldn’t’ve done it without that. They’re more patient with me than I deserve, and I am so grateful for it. Having said that, I am glad they’re back at school next week, because as much as I love them, I am very much looking forward to things getting back to ‘normal’.
For now, getting into Two Points Hospital, and knitting. I’ve got a loose plan of action for my next couple of knitting projects, which encourages me to buckle down and get more done. But first, gotta herd childlings to bed.