Monthly Archives: May 2018

Out of Sight…

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So yesterday, Smalls went to the doctor about a few niggles. One of them was a lump on her back, which has been judged to most likely be a sebaceous cyst like her father had when he was younger. She’s getting referred for an ultrasound, and if there’s anything that needs doing from there, we’ll go from there. But it’s… Read more »

Nothing Much

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Today has been a day of doing very little, but doing it well. Both girls were home with me, and were awesome at entertaining both themselves as individuals, but also as a pair. I think that we’re all going to make it through this half-term, seeing how there’s only two more day-days before the weekend and return to ‘normal’ operations…. Read more »

Kids Love Unboxing-ings

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If there is one thing Littler loves to do, it’s to box herself up. She was genuinely cross at me that I wouldn’t close the top up fully, ha ha. I told her that I wasn’t happy doing that at this point, and she quit grumbling after a bit. She’s a good kiddo, and good at entertaining herself. Which is… Read more »

Party Rock

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And lo, we did go to a child’s birthday party this morning, and lo, we did survive. They even fed the adults, which I made sure to praise ’cause normally we get stiffed at these deals. The birthday girl loved her bounce house surprise, and Z and I were both charmed by the fact it had a slide (the bit… Read more »

Definitely Nothing

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I have done my best to do nothing today, and I think I’m doing it fairly well. Having said that, I am feeling pretty crap as a baseline; I’m debating calling it an early night. We have a birthday party at early o’clock tomorrow morning, and as tempted as I would be to give it a miss, I have been… Read more »

Heh Heh, Pots

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When I first moved here, the divider between my in-law’s house and the neighbouring was roses, lots of roses. When the current occupants moved in, they eventually dug them up and replaced them with pictured potted trees. I found the shadows aesthetically pleasing as we pulled out to return home, so I figured I’d take a picture. You’re welcome, ha… Read more »

Hard at Work

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I have been putting my hands to crafting today. The missing order finally showed up, so I was able to make a few of the rainbow bracelets for my shop. One sold pretty quickly as I sort of expected, but it still makes me grin. Everything else today has been dedicated towards getting more things into the crochet marker quarter… Read more »


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Today, the boxen I ordered this week came in. As did the 20mm split rings I ordered. Care to guess what still hasn’t arrived? Yup, my order from last week. I ended up sending a message to the seller to see if they knew anything… which of course was before the split rings showed up, making me think I was… Read more »

Don’t Be Alarmed

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Smalls had come over for a few minutes to talk, and we ended up doing a few pictures. I don’t do nearly enough photos with her and she loves having a bit of fun, so we got some good silly shots. I like this one for the level of alarm on her face, even though she certainly wasn’t alarmed of… Read more »

Doing the Thing

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Today has been a pretty darn productive day, and doubly so for the fact I got slammed by a brutal headache this morning. Since I’m at the part of the month where catching up with myself becomes possible, I managed to make good headway through my backlog. So that was pleasing, and will put me in good stead for tomorrow…. Read more »