Tag Archives: sanity


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We finally, *finally* got a bit of rain. It didn’t last that long, but at least it happened. I think my head feels a tiny bit better for it, but it’s hard to tell; it’s been non-stop crap for weeks now. Which, of course, doesn’t help my sanity as far as work is concerned. I was starting to feel optimistic… Read more »

Heh Heh, Pots

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When I first moved here, the divider between my in-law’s house and the neighbouring was roses, lots of roses. When the current occupants moved in, they eventually dug them up and replaced them with pictured potted trees. I found the shadows aesthetically pleasing as we pulled out to return home, so I figured I’d take a picture. You’re welcome, ha… Read more »

Something Different

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Z had spotted a jar of black bean sauce and decided to try and make us a nice stir-fry with it. It was alright, I guess. Which is to say, I inhaled it while trying to decide if I liked it or not. If he made it again, I would eat it. Is it better than a takeaway? Probably not,… Read more »

A Vast Improvement

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My new shelving unit came in just as Z did, so he helped me cobble it together. It was sort of amazing how quickly getting stuff off of my desk and stowed went once I had the space to do so. There’s probably a bit more shifting around of stuff that I can do, but this will more than do… Read more »

Penis of Infinite Wisdom +5. Oh, Wait… ¬¬

  What is it about having a dick that makes some men such know-it-alls? Is it that their egos are as fragile as their junk? But then, the general fragility of that side of the gender means that ‘my’ side (-ish, being genderqueer) gets treated like all emotions stem from a wandering, hysterical uterus a la Freudian claims. We’re not… Read more »