Monthly Archives: January 2019

Texas Snow

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Back when I was a kid in Texas, *ANYTHING* vaguely white on the ground counted as snow. While I wouldn’t say the same now, it still made me smile when I poked my head out this morning. It’s thawed for the moment, but we’re supposed to get more freezing shortly, so. Suffices to say, I’m not gonna walk in the… Read more »

Batten Down

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According to the news and forecasters, Winter is Coming. Probably. I’m watching little flakes creep nearer on the UK Snow Map (yes, this continues to be a thing), but as we’ve already had some rain, I doubt anything that *did* fall would stick. We’ll see. We’re under yellow warning for the next couple of days, so who knows what will happen. Anyways,… Read more »


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Today has been… a day. Z stayed home from work to give him that little bit more space to heal up, so we got caught up on Star Trek Discovery. I’ve managed to get another two listings photographed and put up, so yanno… yay for that. I am almost through everything that isn’t part of the Not-warts collection so far, so… Read more »

Somehow Upright

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Today has been a pleasant day, in spite of being concerned that the cold was going to completely knock me out. I’m sure it’s going to catch up with me in a day or two, especially with having been out all day yesterday, but anyways. Taking it a day at a time. In the meantime, I’ve mainly zoned out and… Read more »

Bye Church

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Today was not a good sales day at the craft fair. Which is to say, I had no sales. I ended up telling the nice lady who runs the event that after three goes, I’m accepting it’s not the right even for me, and won’t be returning next time. I also made it clear that I didn’t hold it against… Read more »


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I have definitely joined in having a cold… rapture. Z was bad enough that he stayed home from work, which… for him to do that, that means he’s about dead. Hopefully he’ll feel better in the morning, since otherwise I’ll need to call a taxi to get into town. That is, if I’m not dead to the world; it feels… Read more »

Just Cold

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There continues to be a dearth of snow, to my annoyance. But we do have sub-freezing temps and random patches of ice, so yay? Oh wait, not yay — Littler is good at taking herself out on every single one on the way to and from school. ¬¬ But at least she was at school today, so yay for that… Read more »

War Zone

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So, all the beads I needed for my special project were in today… or so I thought. One set had holes too tiny to thread (and attempts to embiggen them broke the bead), while another set was a full millimetre bigger than what I ordered (and therefore not usable for said project). I’ve got some stuff on order, but I… Read more »

Getting Stuff Done

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Today, I got two things off of my desk. I finally finished the last poppy from mumbledy months ago, and did the finishing touches on the bear. So that’s done, and I’m clearing my palate with a touch of cross-stitch. I don’t know how long that is going to hold my attention, but I feel better for making myself take… Read more »

Sure, Why Not

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Littler was feeling a bit brighter yesterday, but today says otherwise. She’s been limpetted against Z, though with a glimmer of her usual cheeky humour. I’m mentally prepared for her to be staying home from school tomorrow, but really — we’ll see how she feels in the morning. The neighbours have been making banging noises all day, because today is… Read more »