Tag Archives: mental health


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Assassination via cuteness? I don’t really know, ha ha. I do know that I am in good spirits though! I had a spiffing bath, and am reaping the reward that is the badass feeling of clean hair. I also made a dent in the work that I wanted to get done before we go on vacation, so that was also… Read more »


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We finally, *finally* got a bit of rain. It didn’t last that long, but at least it happened. I think my head feels a tiny bit better for it, but it’s hard to tell; it’s been non-stop crap for weeks now. Which, of course, doesn’t help my sanity as far as work is concerned. I was starting to feel optimistic… Read more »

Ugh, Finally

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After too much long a ridicul-time, I finally have the remainder of my order that went missing/never made it to me/never shipped? I messaged the seller to confirm receipt, and told him that I hope we’d not have to talk to each other again in a long time (but that as it stood, I still intended to purchase from them)…. Read more »

Nearly Ready, I Guess

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I got my box for tomorrow packed today, and then asked friends for any advice they might have for someone doing a meatspace sales thing. Several brought up displays and my anxiety clung onto that and tried to force a panic attack… not cool. I was able to concretely clarify later that there was going to be almost nobody there… Read more »

Time’s Arrow

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Yes, this picture is hilariously unflattering… but I couldn’t resist being a bit cheesy as a bite-back against emotions from 20 years ago spiking up and stabbing me. I was listening to The Cure, and ‘Just Like Heaven’ came on. I’m okay with this song 99.999% of the time… apparently, this time I wasn’t. It dragged back memories of my… Read more »

Dat Sass

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Cats being cute is always camera fodder. Cat glaring at me because I dare bother her even from across the room? Even better. *laughs* She held that pose for a long slow count of ten before shifting; I guess I am a chagrined servant of the furry overlord, ha ha. I guess I wasn’t paying her enough attention, as I… Read more »

Heh Heh, Pots

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When I first moved here, the divider between my in-law’s house and the neighbouring was roses, lots of roses. When the current occupants moved in, they eventually dug them up and replaced them with pictured potted trees. I found the shadows aesthetically pleasing as we pulled out to return home, so I figured I’d take a picture. You’re welcome, ha… Read more »

A Bit of Luck

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The dice beads I ordered came in today, hooray! I haven’t started in on the custom order because we haven’t finalised details, but I figured I’d make myself a set in the interim. Yanno, advertise by wearing the wares, har har. ‘Sides, I deserve a bit of self-love. I woke up this morning to some really upsetting news, and well…. Read more »


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To my amusement, every single picture I’ve tried to take of myself today makes it look like I’ve been slapped around by some sort of exhaustion bat. I mean, I always feel pretty crappy and exhausted, but like… mainly okay today? I’ve been sleeping really deeply the last couple of nights, and that has a positive knock-on affect.  My focus… Read more »

A Definite Fit

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I realised this morning that I was able to get an arm safely into the sleeve due to the fact I’m working the shoulder shaping. So, of course, I had to get Z to come check the fit. As you can see, it fits well, which is yay. And it looks like it’s comfortable and not too tight, which is… Read more »