Tag Archives: kids

Wet Wet Wet

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Today’s picture is actually from yesterday, but it works the same today. It’s been raining and gross, and hooray for not having to be out in it. The forecasters seem to be suggesting that it’s going to stay this sort of nasty for the next couple of weeks… sigh. I cannot decide if it’s better because somewhat less dangerous, or… Read more »

Twinkle Twinkle

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To my annoyance, I cannot currently find many of the stitch markers that I’ve made. I know that several of them broke because the gauge of the wire I was using was too fine, but I plan on experimenting with that in the near future. And, in general, just to make a few more markers. I like making them, so… Read more »

Sweet Treats

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Today is that ever so glorious day where it’s okay to take candy from strangers — Halloween! This is the first time that both of the girls are out making the rounds, and I hope that the three of them (’cause yanno, Z with them) have a good time. Smalls was also excited because this year she gets to make… Read more »

A Bit of Silver

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Well okay, I’m not really sure if it’s gray, or copper. Copper is the normal colour of my highlights when I let my natural colour grow out, but — I know some gray has been sneaking in. I don’t mind really. I figure that once it goes solid white or gray, then it will be easier for me to dye… Read more »

It’s For the Birds

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Which is to say, that which is featured in today’s image is. Smallhausen had a school trip to the scout yard as she does pretty much every term, and this was a project they did. It’s got peanuts, raisins, popcorn… all the thing a bird is going to like, right? I just hope that Smalls gets a chance to spot… Read more »

Stay of Cake-ecution

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The Cakefest fundraiser was originally supposed to be Friday night. I’ve had dreams I’d forgotten to make cakes, so I even remembered to bring my recipe binder through so I could start looking for what recipe (or two) I felt like doing. I saw today that the event has been bumped off to the seventh, so that means I don’t… Read more »

Bow, Humans

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What you see here are the faces of two felines who are not amused at the slaggardness of their human slaves. They were closing in on Z (just out of picture), becauseĀ  they were hungry and he hadn’t fed them immediately upon arrival home. Of course, if they had their way, they would have a constant supply of food to… Read more »

It Looked Better in Person

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I stood up to open the window because I thought I had heard thunder, and instead was treated to a lovely little double rainbow. It was only there for a minute or so, and the second rainbow started going before I could get a camera on it, but you can just about see it if you squint. I failed in… Read more »

So That Happened

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First things first — Z’s minor operation went well. I’m doing my best to dote and cover chores so he can rest up over the weekend… which should hopefully go a bit more smoothly because he made the point to get things fairly caught up before we headed out for the ‘party’. I need to try to remember to get… Read more »

What Was That Even

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Earlier today, I caught a glimpse of precipitation flying by. ‘Oh goodie, it’s starting to rain!’ I exclaimed, and opened my curtain wider. Except it wasn’t just rain, it was a mix of rain and hail and snow. Whut. It didn’t last more than a minute or two before it stopped, but it was like, really? Really?! Having said that,… Read more »