Tag Archives: self-love


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If everything is as I think it’s going to be tomorrow, I am going to be able to get started on a custom order for a friend. She wants two pairs of earrings in every colour of the dice beads that should be coming in, and well, can do! I have to keep reminding myself that the prices I charge… Read more »

I Earned This Coffee

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Today, I celebrate my first sale, woo! Granted, it was a custom request that predated me setting up the store, but it also is kind of the thing that nudged me into doing it. Tippy wanted to pay me what my efforts were worth, and I guess I needed that bit of validation to take a big step and *try*… Read more »

Feeling Cute

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I don’t know what it it is about today, but I’ve been feeling super cute. I couldn’t even tell you why in particular. I mean, I default think that I am adorable and all of that. I like me, I like my failing meatbag in a frustrated sort of way. Maybe my body was just squirtin’ an extra dose of… Read more »

Dressed for Success

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If there is one thing I like about winter, it’s being cold enough that I can wear a dress. Most of the year, I’m flipping layers on and off a dozen times a day because the ambient temperature is never quite right. Right now, it’s chilly enough that I can have the layer on, and maybe even another one. I… Read more »

Totally Radical

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*pats face* This face, she is a good face. I like my face. I’m also lacking in interesting photos for the day too, so you get my face. La! It’s fine though. I think that while some insist this whole ‘obsession’ with self is narcissistic, I prefer to think of it as radical self-love. Society and the media says I… Read more »


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But really, it’s hot here. It was, apparently, the hottest September day since 1911; it was the hottest since 1949 when I went out at 4pm, so make of that what you will. *chuckles* And the Brits… one of the things I was super at home with is that the Brits are as obsessed with taking about the weather as… Read more »

I Am the Cutest

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Once upon a time, I was younger and thinner. I was that sort of thin that people presumed was due to an eating disorder, and that I needed to be harassed about it. I rolled my eyes a lot, because oh hey, I was that size because I was that size — I trusted my body to do what it… Read more »