Tag Archives: wool

New Book Day!

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This in my hot little hands is the latest installment of the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. E accidentally introduced it to me when she bought the third in a charity shop and thought I might like it. I did, though I did have to point out that it was in the middle of a series, and that… Read more »

Storage Sweet Storage

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After hauling the wool to Pins & Needles last night, I decided I needed to get serious about re-re-re-retackling the disorganisation of my crafting supplies. I’d commented to Z that we needed to get me another storage unit to match the one I had so I could stack them, and then spent much too long online trying to find an… Read more »

There and Back Again

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This is going to be a short one, ’cause it’s super late. I got home from Pins & Needles 10 minutes or so ago, and have been flailing all of them (because for one, I forgot to take my meds with me. Whups). Pain: I woke up this morning in incredibly painful pain. Like, I thought I was having a… Read more »

Meow Meow Meow

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Knitting! Cats! Meow! I’ve finished the little cat set thingie that I wanted to make. Well, almost. I still need to put the buttons on the scarf, maybe run them through the wash with fabric softener before that, but still. I’m quite pleased. I can only hope that the intended recipients like my efforts. Now, I’m not any sort of… Read more »

Back From the Pub

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I return in one piece from our second Pins & Needles session. Last time wasn’t a fluke — this was also an enjoyable time. I spent most of it yawning, because apparently I relax when I’m out and that means almost falling asleep on myself. Whups. I had three pints of Coke though, so that sort of helps me fight… Read more »


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I have spent all evening processing the wool I came home with yesterday. And by processing, I mean entering everything into a spreadsheet, because I’m that big of a nerd. But now I know exactly what there is with only one or two question marks, and there’s a lot of goodness in there. there’s also some degree of faffy wools… Read more »

I Have to Give the Bag Back

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One of our newer Stitch ‘n Bitch members, K, was getting rid of some of her wool today. Apparently, this required a Royal Mail bag full, and then a bit more. I made some weak-ass excuses and shoved it into my car. What’s more, everyone who was there when the wool was still in the pub seemed to keep mum… Read more »