Pins & Needles

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j4sepnpbThis is a quick one on the top of a successful inaugural session of a new knitting group; C and T have named it ‘Pins & Needles’, which is as apt as Stitch ‘n Bitch is. It was a new location with a few new faces, but mainly it was the same old crew in a new location, but now with free crappy sandwiches. Well. There was probably better ones than the half I had, ha ha. It was a generous amount that we barely made a dent on that got passed on to the darts players and general pubfolk, so good on them. We only really had to deal with one rogue drunk wandering in. I was considering lobotomising him with my crochet hook ’cause he was being all drape-y annoying, but thankfully, N was between me and him and that enabled me to ignore him until he went away.

But yeah, it was good! I think that everyone is going to be happy going to both sessions. The atmosphere was more pub-esque at this pub, but that was mainly okay because we were in our own sort of sectioned off area. We could enjoy the ambiance from afar//on the way to and from the bar. And also, I got most of the rest of the knitting done on my top, so I can finish that off tomorrow and show it off properly.

Anyways, I should be wrapping up and trying to get to bed.



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