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I’ve had in my head for a couple of days, or maybe weeks, that I wanted to try my hand at some multi-stranded necklaces. I’m super-chuffed that my first effort actually came out pretty much spot on. I’d initially wanted to do a full rainbow… but that would be too much. A friend suggested doing a rainbow across the three, so I’m currently poking at a spreadsheet trying to see if I can come up with something that works.

((I also have to figure out pricing on it ’cause heeeey proper work that took a bit of time, but I’ll get there when I get there))

Past that, just yanno, keeping busy and distracted from the wider world at large. Father-in-law is still in hospital, and that’s wearing on everyone. I haven’t asked if anything new has been learned today… heh, ask, and find out nothing good. I’m not particularly a praying sort, but if y’all out there in the starry abyss want to keep us in your thoughts, I won’t say no to it either.

*sighs* Right, back to colour sciencing.


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