I have almost nothing to say about today, which really, means that I’ve done today properly. I knitted, as the picture hopefully indicates. I’m not too far off of finishing the first soak, though I’ve done like, *maybe* four rows today. I’ve been grinding breeding in Pokémon and playing Tropico 5, which has kept me rather busy. Z had spotted a deal on Bundle Stars for Tropico 5: The Complete Collection, which did a great job of filling in my missing DLC for mega-cheap. If you’ve been thinking about checking this game out and you haven’t yet, I suggest hopping on this bundle before it expires.
Beyond that… not much of anything. The girls were allowed to open their one Christmas Eve gift. That was, of course, pajamas; Smallhausen has been gassing on excitedly about the prospect for weeks. And she was well pleased with what she received, so hooray for that. Littler was well pleased too, even if I didn’t get a really good photograph of that pleasure. Ah well.
*yawns* I should probably like, consider putting presents under the tree, and checking what’s in the stockings. I’m hoping that Z will manage to escape down here so that we can do it together, but we’ll see. I can afford to wait a bit, so I should.