I packed the snoods up with Z today, and sent them to their intended recipient at work. She was delighted, and asked what she owed me. Not gonna lie, I way low-balled myself; I said a minimum of £20, with anything above and over being please and thank you. Still, it wasn’t done for profit, but it’s nice to get a little recompense for materials and effort.
I didn’t really do much knitting today, which yanno, not a surprise. Monday is my day off, so I threw myself into getting further into Pokémon Moon. I continue to avoid the bulk of potential spoilerage and am wandering through as the story leads me (which is clearly marked, ha ha).
Still, what little knitting I did do is moving in the right direction. Because I am doing socks, and on tiny-ass needles, it’s going to take ‘forever’… forever being relative. I’ve only gotten through the first eight rows, but that’s enough for it to be taking firm enough shape that I can work it without really thinking about it. That tends to get a knitter working while doing other things instead of thinking about how long it’s gonna take or not take, so yanno, good place to be. 🙂

Here, have a picture of my kids being cute
Right, that’ll do it for now. My brain is way fuzzed out. I’m honestly surprised I managed to be vaguely functional at *anything* today, as Littlerbit kept me and Z up… him a lot longer than myself. I was having enough trouble getting to sleep for no real good reason, so I’ve hit myself with a melatonin for tonight. Fingers crossed it helps me out, eh?