Mail Call

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img_20161025_181314673Apparently, today was the day I got my head together and got my outgoing mail sorted. I have that parcel to send to a friend in the States, and I also have my absentee ballot to send in. Seeing as how Texas is suddenly being declared a swing state by some people, I felt that I really extra needed to get off my ass and vote. This has been the first federal election I’ve considered giving a miss. Not because of any issues with Clinton, but just so fucking sick of politics after the rise of Trump, and Brexit. So yanno, #ImWithHer, #PaintTexasBlue and so on. I wish the third party candidates had been viable, but they’re both freaking nutbags, so.

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Smallhausen declares herself a Boxtroll

I have not gotten stuck into any knitting yet today. Besides wrangling children, I got properly stuck into work-work. And then the afternoon was eaten up with dealing with a jerk of a deliveryman; he claimed the step to our passage twisted his ankle and that he couldn’t take our groceries to the kitchen door. Instead he insisted on going through my house and leaving my door wide open, beckoning to cats and children alike. When stuff comes into the kitchen, we can airlock the kitchen from the rest of the house, which avoids this problem. Z called and complained, scoring us yet another £5 voucher. We’re not so fussed about the voucher (but they’re nice too), but really. Really. In all the time we’ve been having groceries delivered to this address, that’s the first time someone insisted on going through our house. We aren’t going to stand for that.

We also had some amazing news — our old house is finally not ours! After two and a half years! Woo! We had no lack of potential buyers, but the guy who owns the shop underneath it kept messing things up by disappearing and not doing any part he was required to do to get the property shifted. Z broke down, and rightfully so — it’s been a huge weight on his shoulders for all this time. I was happy to organise a big family hug in celebration, and to even call his parents to let them know. I don’t do phones, but I was more than happy to in this case. Bonus: I found out we should be expecting our new couch in 10 weeks. I wish it was sooner, but I guess you have to wait for quality crafting. So I guess we’ll see it in early January? We’ll see.

Anyways, I guess I should see if I can get a little knitting in.


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