New Start

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So yes, socks are finally done (and currently on my feet). So I’ve cast on a blanket… we’ll see how much I manage to do before my brain melts. It’s a corner to corner blanket, so it’s definitely supportive of a ‘fuck, that’s enough’ stance, ha ha.

Past that, not a lot. My wires should be coming in tomorrow, very excite, even if I don’t know what I want to do with them quite yet. I really need to get my photobox set up so I can reshoot the photos for the bigger cross-stitches — especially now that I’ve a gap in kitten colonisation of my back table. I love having them around, but maaan fighting executive dysfunction is hard when by the time I get my brain into gear, they’ve returned and are back asleep. They’re lucky they’re cute, ha ha.

Anyhoos. Think about that, wait for the rain that seems to be coming. Or yanno, watch Vivi hope back in the desk to stormwatch. Ah well.


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