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Today was another singularly unproductive day, but eh. So it sometimes goes. At least we have news that Z’s dad should be getting close to getting sent home. The folx at the hospital have been working on getting him to understand that he needs to actually yanno, be a grown up and do things like get his own breakfast, and not sit around doing nothing waiting for Mum to tend to him. She apparently told him straight up that when he’s back she isn’t dancing attendance like she used to, and he got a bit grumpy about that. I made a point to tell her that I heard him admit that he needed to step back and not put it all on her, so swot him around the ears a bit. Though to be fair, that also is part of their miscommunication dynamic; Z discussing it with Mum was very positive and upbeat. The main thing that all of us are gonna probably lean on, as we have in the past and MAYBE it’ll stick this time — he can’t say, go for a walk once, call it Mission Accomplished, and then go sit down not moving for months. I want to believe that it will be more successful this time around, especially since the getting him enough oxygen angle is being covered thoroughly.

Anyways. It’s about time to nudge a sniffly kiddo upstairs. Poor Smaller had a nasty headcold keeping her up last night, so she stayed home from school. She’s in good spirits, and I’ve already hit her with a dose of Calpol, so hopefully covering her in assorted Vaporub products will give her a better night than last night (and knock-on, a better night for poor Z as well).


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