‘Cause Holibobs

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One of our mandatory ‘on holiday’ things is to have an ice cream cone every day. It fits, because our family holidays so far have been seaside-based, and there’s ice cream stands everywhere. We’re not able to get mine and Smaller’s favourite flavour easily (bubble gum), but Z tried and succeeded in finding something a bit different and special for us. Tesco currently have an own brand ‘Under the Sea’ ice cream, which is a bit blue and a bit green, and tasting of cream and raspberries. Which is to say, a bit different, and quite nice. There’s other ice cream things awaiting us in the freezer, and I look forward to our family treat being holiday-appropriate.

Past that, had a bath, and had nail mail in. I’m so chuffed with all the choices that it’s going to be hard to pick one to do first. I’m tempted to roll a 1d8 and see what comes up… which I will probably then promptly ignore and grab something else, ha ha. We’ll see.

Right, gonna go zone out and wait for dinner to arrive. We ordered curry for two nights for three of us; Smalls will be subsiding on chips, burgers, and chicken nuggets, which is her preferred food groupings anyways. So we’re happy we get something a bit special, and she’s thrilled to be getting her same old same old. Whatever works kiddo, whatever works.


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