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Z arranged for Smaller’s bestie to come around for a ‘socially distanced’ playdate. Which in essence basically meant being outdoors, and eventually giving up hollering about getting them to keep apart. The kids had fun, the adults had fun, and I got a lot of knitting done. I do my best knitting when socialising, so I consider progress a sign of a good time spent. Wha? There’s got to be at least one benefit to being Backwards Girl in all things, ha ha.

Plus, it was probably -the- day to be outdoors. We got the gazebo up and moved the tables under it, and the breeze kept it mainly tolerable. It feels a looot warmer indoors, even with windows open and fans on. While it seems like the temp didn’t get quiiiite as high today as expected, this is always the rough part of the day. Like, the sun is going away, why is it warmer? Tomorrow is gonna suck though, whatever the case.

Back to knitting, y’all.


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