Tag Archives: etsy shop


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I have done a good job of not moving today — A++ not moving, ha ha. I did eventually get to starting the photography for to list the things I made for the fete on the Etsy shop. I’ve gotten through the handful of extra adult bracelets, and have gotten a start on the kid bracelets. I got Smalls to… Read more »

Filling Boxes

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I got the earring stock moved to a new box this morning, and then finished making the amount of stock that I wanted to have to hand. So like, there’s over 80 pairs of earrings? I sincerely doubt I’ll get through all of them at the fete, but I’m kind of proud of myself for getting goodies made and stashed…. Read more »

Grinding Levels

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One of my favourite Ctrl+Alt+Del strips of Ye Olden Days was one about Ethan buying  bunch of food with the intention of grinding his cooking skill. That is sort of how I am feeling today, but in earring making. I’ve made over 20 pairs today, and currently plan to continue making more. Z and I talked about it, and we agreed… Read more »

The Flip Side

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I decided I was going to try to focus my efforts on getting the blanket finished. It takes up a lot of space in my crafting area, so getting it done and moved off would be a Good Thing™®. It’s pleasant to look upon and I was starting to get a good pace before we hit dinnertime. Hopefully I can… Read more »

Hard at Work

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I have been putting my hands to crafting today. The missing order finally showed up, so I was able to make a few of the rainbow bracelets for my shop. One sold pretty quickly as I sort of expected, but it still makes me grin. Everything else today has been dedicated towards getting more things into the crochet marker quarter… Read more »


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Today, the boxen I ordered this week came in. As did the 20mm split rings I ordered. Care to guess what still hasn’t arrived? Yup, my order from last week. I ended up sending a message to the seller to see if they knew anything… which of course was before the split rings showed up, making me think I was… Read more »

Doing the Thing

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Today has been a pretty darn productive day, and doubly so for the fact I got slammed by a brutal headache this morning. Since I’m at the part of the month where catching up with myself becomes possible, I managed to make good headway through my backlog. So that was pleasing, and will put me in good stead for tomorrow…. Read more »


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Today has been a drama of waiting. I was waiting for my TOTALLY GAY storage to be delivered. It started out well with useful tracking information, which I kept a vague eye on. So imaging my surprise when it said it had been delivered and signed for. I messaged Z with a rather florid string of curses, and proceeded to… Read more »


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I got beadmail this morning, yay! I’m super jazzed to have my dice replenished, and I really like these clock charms that I bought as well. I better seeing how I ordered 250 of them. I’ve made another one of the dice bracelets and got that in store, and I’ve made some earrings and stitch markers out of the clocks…. Read more »

Big Spender

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Today, I spent money. I spent most of what came in on the big order, but it was all stuff for the shop. I’ve got more storage coming in, packing materials, and of course, more findings and beads. Heck, I’ve even got some charms coming in to play with as well. I look forward to getting stuck in to playing… Read more »