Tag Archives: knitting

Not a Potion Bottle

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I’m not going to say what it is at this time, but it’s definitely not a potion bottle. Having said that, if I ever wanted to knit one, I think this would probably be a go-to pattern, ha ha. It was a little bit fiddly to get the neck to fold over, but I love the way it looks. This… Read more »

Little Knits

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Now that I’ve finished the shawlette, I’ve been doing a couple of small projects. I just finished one off (the variegated on top), and just cast off on a ‘one evening’ project. At least, that’s what it claims, but I know from past experience that it takes longer. Maybe if all I did was knit rather than knit while doing other… Read more »


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The shawlette is blocked and happy, hail shawlette. I need to whip up a cheerful post for the store FB page focusing on you could win this, but yanno, gotta get this done. I had a friend point out to me this morning that I call myself unproductive every day, and then immediately contradict myself. So I was pleased to… Read more »

New Hoot

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My purse broke while we were on vacation. It was a couple of years old and hard used anyways, so it was due a replacement. I spotted this beauty yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised that it arrived today. It’s bigger than the one it’s replacing, which is excellent. I could cram a lot into it, but invariably its death was… Read more »


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So, I think I’ve mentioned before that I bought a ball of wool from Wish. Since I didn’t really know what else to do with 50g of ‘wool’ (as the label claims it to be), I figured I’d go for a shawlette pattern that I like for this sort of thing. I don’t know what I make of the ‘wool’… Read more »

Outside Again *grumps*

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Well okay, not a full-on grump. Z proposed that we take the girls down to The Range to see if we could find anything to help keep them occupied on vacation (and the trips to and from). They’ve got water bottles for the car, a set of coloured pencils to share between them, and a couple of little colouring books…. Read more »

Storming the Castle

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Well okay, not REALLY storming a castle… more like heading to the Post Office at a quick dash, ha ha. I had to keep asking them to slow down and not get too far ahead of me. I’d let them here because it’s a pretty safe stretch of road, and we were on the right side of the road for… Read more »

Under Glass

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The girls went to work with Z today, which mainly went well from all I’ve heard. I was bemused when I received a zip file of .pdfs… which contained a picture of each of them having photocopied their own faces. Nerds. They did it separate, so I crammed them together as such to share their nerdery in an easier format…. Read more »

Shoes Off, Showing Off

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When it’s a knitting night, I like to wear socks I’ve made to show off. It’s in part to show off to my fellow crafters; I like showing off, but I love seeing their projects too! But also, as a point of inspiration for any rubberneckers who happen go past us. Seeing people sitting and knitting in public elicits one of… Read more »

Such a Heel

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I turned the heel on the sock yesterday and started down the body of the foot. It generally goes pretty quickly from this point, so yay for that. I’m mildly annoyed because I don’t know what my project is going to be. Well. I’m going to do a cat hat or two to donate for our charity event in September,… Read more »