Monthly Archives: September 2020

Frogged Fog

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I was tossing and turning in bed last night and realised… fuck, forgot to take my night meds. I did, but the knock-on effect with how I’ve even feeling the last couple of days meant that I ended up taking a nap. I only really go there when I feel so godawful that being awake no longer feels like an… Read more »

So Fluffy!

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S’okay so, I’ve had a wee bit of an Epic the last couple of weeks. I had my first gone missing Etsy order. Lady politely waited a month before raising the issue, to which I’m like… well yeah, that’s too long, I’ll send you another. Of course, couldn’t find the right cordage for it, so had to wait a few… Read more »


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I woke up this morning to realise that I’d somehow wrenched the crap out of my right wrist in my sleep. Sigh, to the cupboard for a tubular bandage and some ibuprofen, next. Yeah, body queued up a few more annoying things, like a very persistent fever blister on my lower lip that I keep accidentally brushing and setting off… Read more »

And Back

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Having finished those socks, I eventually got around to pulling my crochet blanket onto my desk to work on. But I stopped in the middle for a bit to play Minecraft with Smalls; she’s been asking me for weeks, but I kept turning her down. I don’t like playing with other people at all, and I am *SUPER* strict about how… Read more »

All Done

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The socks for Smalls are done, and handed off. She said she was gonna try them on right away, but is gaming with her BF and his brother. Ah well. *chuckles* It’s not like they’re going to dissolve if she doesn’t try them on immediately, but I hope I can get them on her feet for a few seconds just… Read more »

Welcome Home

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And lo, my new laptop is home and in situ — welcome home, Apsalar. If you know the character, then you rock. If you don’t… there’s a doorstopper of a series just waiting for you, ha ha. But yes, she’s lovely and sleek and I’m slowly getting things installed. I’ve got the main things, being my documents, and my synced… Read more »

Game On

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Both of the girls’ chairs arrived today, and early enough that we were able to get them both built before they got home from school. Well. I was finishing off Small’s chair while Z was on the school run, but it was done and waiting and in the right place when she walked through the door. Z made her wait… Read more »

Snark Hunting

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So, it appears that I finally have my first lost Etsy order. I asked the nice lady if she wanted a replacement or refund, and she’s gone for the former. Sure! Ace! Will get that out the door today! So, of course… my cordage for that particular bracelet is missing. I immediately ordered more, which is supposed to get here… Read more »

No Rain

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Alas, no rain to go with the glorious temperatures here at the end of the summer. The water on our windowsill comes from next door. S laid down turf this morning with her mother, baby C supervising from her high chair. Z popped over to his parent’s house to borrow a sprinkler for them to use, since we knew from… Read more »

*rubs hands*

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I am currently working on the heel flap of sock #2, which makes me feel like I’m past the halfway point. I’m not yet, not really, but it certainly makes me feel like I want to keep my head down and to the grindstone. Add in the fact I found myself the perfect knitting game for the moment… Knitting game,… Read more »