Again, the cats with their various nap tubes. Vivi likes to nap at the midpoint of the tube, where he can be ‘alone’, but can also receive pets through the gap. He’d kind of lolled when I was petting him on this day, so he’d flipped his head out. Then rolled over and gave me A Look™®. Mate, mate. *laughs*
Another week in the bag, and what of it. I made lots of lil rings and got them listed. I’ve been making myself do the social media, which… it’s hard. Like, making myself do a post a day across several platforms is doable, but I don’t precisely have huge followings to lean on. And in that, it’s like… sorry frens, sort of. But it’s part of being a small handmade outfit. I do wish my friends would tell more of their friends. I’m grateful for those that do. I doubt that I’ll ever reach a point where I’ll be a big deal (nor do I really want to get big-big), but it would be nice to get more sales. Then I’d have an excuse to make even more things. I like making things. 😀
For now, just mulling on things. Crafting? Sock probably. Politics? Debating whether or not I want to vote in this US election. I’ve refrained from it for years because honestly? I want to get rid of my American citizenship. It’s more of a burden than a benefit living outside of the US, but it’s damned expensive to ditch (currently $2,350, 5 years of tax filing compliance, several in-person interviews in London, and getting your name published on a literal roll of shame). The price is *supposed* to be coming down, but eesh. When I moved here, it was free.
S’bout it. It’s Friday, so off to watch the Halocene livestream and work in my sock. It’s a party.