Monthly Archives: March 2022


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I woke up this morning to find the sky doing this. I knew that there was wintry weather predicted, but I don’t think it was predicted this far south. It didn’t last that long, and rain melted it almost as soon as I made it downstairs, but it made me smile. Z says he’s seen bits of snow out the… Read more »


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I’m feeling plague-ier today, which is just rude. My throat is angry, though I’ve managed to moisten it enough that I can talk without much pain (I couldn’t even croak words first thing this morning). I don’t have much of a cough, blessedly, and no fever to speak of. I’ve not taken a test today, but I probably will take… Read more »

Arts & Plagues

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I found out today that we had a possible Covid exposure last week — it was only a matter of time. Z, Smalls, and I took tests earlier and all tested negative, but we’ll be watching the situation. Of course, my body’s response to this is ‘Let’s develop a hacking cough!’. Rude? So rude. *chuckles* Past that, the usual gaming… Read more »

Work It

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I had a small backlog of restocks that I needed to process, so that’s been my project today. And then I figured… why not have a sale. Why not. Hopefully it’ll net a few sales, but we’ll see. It’s been one of those sunny, spring days outside. I’ve had the window open all day, which has caught the occasional breeze…. Read more »

Primula Vulgaris

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That’s the type of flower this is. Amusingly enough, it was Bing search that spat up a correct answer in like, seconds… thanks Microsawft, I guess. I spotted it near the garage when I was heading off to see Mum, so I figured, why not. Nothing much to report. It’s Friday, we survived another week, etc. Gonna go stitch some… Read more »

Caught in the Act

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Poison has, to our delight, started spending some time upstairs again. She’s in her usual place, which is to say, Smaller’s pillow region. That’s always been ‘her’ spot upstairs, so it’s pleasing that she feels like she can go up there again. I don’t think she has in years, so. Plus, it means that she’s able to get up and… Read more »


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I’m doing my current flag with Anchor instead of DMC. I started looking at both, and then decided to just go with Anchor this time. I’m going to make a point to go back afterwards and see if there are satisfactory colours for it amongst my DMC (and vice versa on the other flags I’ve done). I mean, why not…. Read more »


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I was pawing through my assorted embroidery hoops to see what other shapes and styles I had. I was hoping to get one of the spring tension ones in a 4″… but they don’t seem to come in that size. The one I have is like, 4.75″, which requires more fabric to fit in the frame, and bleh. I’ve ordered… Read more »