Monthly Archives: October 2021

Get Spoopy

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The kids are, weather permitting, actually going out trick-or-treating this year. I’m still not up to interfacing with the public, so me and Mum are gonna chill here while Z and the kids are out. We have a tube of glowsticks that we make sure they go out with each year, and I accidentally broke one while getting them out…. Read more »


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And thus, I got two cat hats out of a 100g ball of yarn, just. Like, a gram of wool left, ha ha. But that’s good! Now I have a spare hat to… something something. Stop distracting me from other crafting on my table, at least. Of course, the other crafting requires headaches to calm the fuck down. The whole… Read more »

Classic Gaming

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We’ve got A and her parents around, and somehow the gaming made its way to My Name is Mayo. Apparently everyone is charmed by clicking on a jar of mayo, ha ha. But also, Friday! IT’S FRIDAY. It’s been a long week, in part ’cause of the whole getting used to new glasses thing. Today is feeling better in the face,… Read more »

Getting There

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Almost done with hat #2. It’s gonna be close as to whether or not I’ll manage to pull it off with the remaining yarn. It won’t be the end of the world if I need to do the last couple rows in another colour… but anyways. It’s fun to feel challenged in silly ways. I ended up going around to… Read more »


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So uh, my bisexual disaster self managed to buy bi flag-coloured sunglasses, and didn’t notice until they were at my house. Yay? *laughs* I love them already, but now I super love them. And yeah, I identify as bi/pan because I’ve been using bi since the mid-90s, even if pan is more accurate, but I don’t see the point in… Read more »

New Glasses, Who Dis?

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And because some good things have come out of this Covid bullshit, my new glasses showed up via courier this evening. As usual, there’s gonna be a period of adjustment — ESPECIALLY since my left eye has apparently shit the bed since my last eye exam, requiring a bigger adjustment. They are also a bit lighter, which is an adjustment,… Read more »

Lounge Loungers

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Or to say, the polar opposite of Fight Fighters? *laughs* This picture is from last night, with me taking advantage of being able to stand against the back wall and get the entirety of this monster sofa photographed. Initially, I was just going for the cats, but yanno… happy to have gotten them all in. Z also took a lot of… Read more »


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And lo, I’ve had the joy of the combination of working through some cupboards, AND getting to hang out with a friend. I don’t really have anywhere to put the stuff that we’ve pulled out at this exact second, because we’ve already filled ours and Mum’s bins, but at least it’s out and ready to process. So that’s something. It… Read more »

Free Soup

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I was showing Z yesterday what I was trying to do with having a water bath for drilling. He thought about it, and suggested a metal pet bowl. So I did, and yesssss, all the room. I also remembered we had a bag of floor tiles somewhere, but as we couldn’t find it, we grabbed a random bit of wood… Read more »

Bonny Harvest

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Mum has a couple of apple trees in the back garden, which I’m sure I’ve mentioned here. I’ve been making a point to keep an eye on her Ballerina, and took one home with me last week. It was awesome! Really smol, but tasty and not too dense. So I ran up her garden this afternoon and grabbed a handful…. Read more »