Monthly Archives: January 2018

Butts Abound

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Me, being the mature adult I am, may or may not have drawn a butt on top of the Germoline in fabric paint. Which is to say that I totally did — because it amused me to. Too bad it wasn’t glow in the dark paint… hrm… *whistles innocently* Still, better to focus on the amusing over the annoying. For… Read more »


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I know it’s going to sound weird, but that cut there on my eyelid? Completely intentional. Probably stupid, but intentional. You see, I started developing skin tags after Smallhausen was born — but only around my eyes. And this one fucker on my eyelid. I know that I should have probably gone to a doctor to remove it, but I… Read more »


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Smalls has always been a bit reserved, and that includes how she’s related to our cats. She tried to pet them when she was very little, but it was less pet and more LET ME JUMP AT YOU, which yanno… cats don’t like. So they’ve not had a lot to do with her and vice versa. I managed to cajole… Read more »

Stratford in Passing

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When we went a-visiting yesterday, the satnav sent us through the centre of Stratford for some random reason. We were lucky that it wasn’t too crowded, and I got to smile at the fact so many of the buildings have this sort of look that I associate with the first Elizabethan era. Today has been… well. I slept in a… Read more »

The North Remembers

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In the UK, it is said that the north of the country begins after the Watford Gap services on the M1. Ergo, every time we go past the services and start seeing the signs for THE NORTH, I tend to have a chuckle and a mock scream about being in the north for a few minutes before we change roads… Read more »

Pieces of Flair

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(With special thanks to my friend Lori for accidentally gifting me tonight’s title) When I went to bed last night, I was coughing my head up. When I woke up, my head had returned, but only as a vessel for snot. I’ve mainly felt better though. I’ve not been as dizzy, nor have I felt quite as foggy. Having said… Read more »


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On reflection, I probably should have stayed in last night. Yes, I had fun, and I made progress on a blanket square, but I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat. That’s still there (though improved by repeated moistenings), and my head has just floated off to Fluffland. I think that my plan for tonight is… Read more »

Two Times

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Today, I found out one of my co-workers refers to the IT guy as ‘Two Times’ — based on the fact that it seems to take him two times to fix a problem. All I know is that I’m annoyed (dis is annoyed face) because I have worked really hard to get my ‘chores’ done quickly so that I could… Read more »

Hello, Goodbye

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My new phone arrived today! It’s amazing what a difference a couple of years can make in the world of technology. I was happy with my old one (A Moto G2) until about a month ago, when it started to go obnoxiously slow. And I was getting really effin’ bored at having to delete half the contents of the phone… Read more »


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Yesterday was a delightfully productive day, knitting wise. I finished off the last couple rows on the red section, and did a few rows on the blue. Considering each row is 370~ stitches, that’s a lot of work around. And I’ve managed to get a few more rows done today, which has been well pleasing. I got all my chores… Read more »