Monthly Archives: July 2021

Caught in the Act

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And lo, a cat has been spotted using the fountain — at a time that I was able to sneak a picture. Poison has used it a few times prior, but I wasn’t able to get my phone out fast enough. Y’all know how she is — she’s a camera hog when she wants to be; hitting the fountain isn’t… Read more »


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Blah blah, why is clean hair so hard to acquire and keep, blah blah. Which is to say, it got a proper shampooing today and I’m happy about it. I again spend a few moments wondering if I should re-red, or just continuing enjoying the silver. The latter wins, obviously — it’s the path of least resistance. Today has been… Read more »


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((oh hey, ignore the catnip on the floor xD)) We needed to buy some new litter boxes, so Z looked around the site and spotted this adorable little cat drinking fountain. Batman still isn’t completely sure about it, but Poison immediately had a drink on her first walk-past. We haven’t decided where its permanent location is going to be quite… Read more »


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Smalls came in from playing out with their friends, and promptly told us that they dropped their phone. It um… yeah, we think one of their friends also ran over it on a scooter, and it’s absolutely unusable. We were gentle and calm, and thanked them for telling us immediately. Obvs, the rush of the fact hitting combined with just…… Read more »

Can’t Help It

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Apparently, it’s The Law™® that I always have a sock on the go, or nearly on the go. My hands kept twitching to the point where I decided okay fiiiine, I’ll start doing the gauging. I’m not sure why I bother the half-assed job I do of gauging each time I start a pair of socks, but anyways. I guess… Read more »

Eye Height

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I took an inaugural journey today; I went to the postbox in my wheelchair. My arms are a bit worn out, and I didn’t make the repeat journey that an order placed while I was out entailed, but at least I did it once. These flowers were at eye height at one of the points I stopped to rest my… Read more »

End Again

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Today, she is the last day of the school year here. Smalls returned triumphant from their school trip, while Smaller got to go out in style because her team won mufti rights. They have both done very well in spite of such a weird year. Their personalities are huge, and they are both quite confident in who they are. They’ve… Read more »