Sweet Lumps

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We don’t normally get to see both Vivi and Raven lumping around on the platform, so I had to get a picture. They might not twin as hard as October and Halokitty, but they do make a lovely matched set. Not a lot going on in the last couple. Just been poking at various video games, working on yet another… Read more »


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Really, it’s just a picture of Vivi and Halo, but it pleased me that they had their little faces next to each other in the window of their play nap tube. What can I say, I’m an easily amused cat mom. Not a lot going on, as befits this time of year. Even though I do my best to practice… Read more »

The Bestest

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So far, so good on the Christmas front; I even got a hug from the teenager, le gasp. That’s a pretty good present by any reckoning. It’s only sliiiightly topped by what Z got me — a pen rack/organiser, ha ha. I love my pens, and so does he. That’s why I got him a pen, in its own little… Read more »

Lapping It Up

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I know, I know, I keep falling off the face of the earth; blame it on the wobbliness. I’ve not had a full-out attack (yet ¬¬), but it’s been pretty annoying. But hey, work is done for the year! For me, at least. I don’t have anything fancy planned — just the usual gaming and knitting, with a new side… Read more »

Back to Square

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I managed to rub some spoons together and get my stuff tidied away, huttah, etc. I’ve been feeling a bit of fluttery glee over it, but also of course, exhaustion. *chuckles* But having said that, most of the disorder was veneer; all the understuff was still more or less tidy and organised. So yeah, well chuffed about that. Next project… Read more »

Chipping Away

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So yeah, because I’ve done a lot of events lately, my red boxes have been living on the floor behind my chair. I finally have them put away! There’s still a lot of tidying and reorganising that needs to happen, but at least it’s finally started. Past that, been a bit wobbly all week. Which is to say, worried that… Read more »

But Maman!

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Shot of dear Miss October standing on high, and yelling at us for whatever reason she had in mind to. It looks like I’ve signed myself up to do an event this weekend. I don’t have to pay a table fee, just like… show up… with my own table. So uh, yeah, we bought a folding table, ha ha. I… Read more »

Bathroom Bug

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I know that cats, like people, have their quirks, but I can’t get over the fact that Raven thinks me being in any sort of sitting position in the bathroom means it’s lap time. I’d scooped him up so I could sit down and brush my teeth, and he decided it was a perfect time for cuddles. Ah well, at… Read more »


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Yup, Vivi again. He’s always the closest when I want to photograph a cat, so he must suffer his fate. *giggles* Not a lot to report. Got myself in a bit of a tizz because I thought it was Wednesday instead of Tuesday. We’re not really gonna be working on Thursday and Friday, so I want to make sure I’m… Read more »