It’s Shrove Tuesday, which means it’s also Pancake Day here in the UK. And in our family, pancake means crepes. Z and I like ours with lemon, but we were lacking in lemon. So I, being confident that the Post Office would have some, set off on the grand journey of like, 6 minutes round trip. On foot. *chuckles* The good news is that they indeed had lemons, so I brought home a honking huge one.
In further good news, my appointment this morning went well! I’ve got an appointment booked for one of the steps the doctor asked me to complete tomorrow, and the other is on the 11th. The one on the 11th is getting blood drawn, which if I’d thought about it? I could have gone into the office and walked over to the hospital to get it done. Oh well. Really, I wasn’t expecting to get such an amazingly proactive reaction, and it’s kept me on a happy buzz all day (which is useful in assisting in kicking ass, work-wise).
Anyways, pancakes are almost done, so I’m off. Have a good one!