I pulled a face at my phone, and it’s like… hi, I look like I’m trying to be Vivi. Mainly in the eyes; his face is a smiley one.
Not a lot going on today. Work happened, having some fun in Diablo 3. I got around to washing and pressing some cross-stitches I’ve had sitting around, so I need to think about buying a frame (I’m down to my last one), and get the things that are for the shop hooped and photographed. That’s probably not happening tonight, but yanno, step in the right direction.
I also, last night, got around to doing a bit of bead shopping to give me stuff to work with for pride flag stitch markers. I’ve got three sets made up so far, so that’s been a bit fun.
Right. Gonna go zone out, ’cause I am fully exhausted and brain is done braining.