Take Two

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I miscounted on my first stab at the toe and had to start over. Which is fine! It’s a thought-heavy  toe start, and I don’t mind getting a smidge of extra practice on the starting stages of it. I’m trying to get as much done as I can before Mum comes around for dinner tomorrow, ’cause she expressed an interest in seeing how it stripes up. I mean, she’ll see it next week too, but if it encourages me to make progress… game on.

Past that, I ended up doing two smaller projects today. I had the idea to make a little something for next door; their little one celebrates a birthday next week. I also got around to making a fancy header for my Etsy shop. Why? Why not. It might yet need some tweaking, but I’d rather leave it for the moment and see how I feel tomorrow, or the next day. Whatever.

Right, off to other things.


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