I was trying to get a decent picture of my nails, as I’d painted them today. All attempts hilariously failed, so you get a picture of someone’s tree that I took yesterday. Enjoy.
But yes, nails! I was planning on doing them tomorrow. My master plan was a bath today, then fresh nails tomorrow. Instead, I had a day off because a power cut in town took down the office. And, it looks like, fried the server our office’s stuff was on. Twotimes (what we call the IT guy, ’cause it takes him two goes to fix everything ¬¬) actually does a daily offsite backup, so while we’ve lost a day, at least it’s just going to be that. Z will let me know what’s shaking tomorrow when he goes in. I hope to not lose another day, since I am so close to my tail… but at least I was able to get the grooming chores done.
Past that, it’s been being annoyed at that time of the month and how much it loves me. ¬¬ I had a letter in from the hospital though in relationship to that! I’d had a cervical swab and bloods done… two weeks ago? With the intent that I would get referred to the hospital for further diagnosis. The appointment is in three weeks, and is both an exterior and interior ultrasound of ‘the goods’. I’ve not had an interior one before, so that’ll be interesting. I’ve heard them reported as painful, but I’m not too worried. I know a bit part of the pain factor is, like with smears, that people tense up and that does the do. Having said that, I do have a high pain threshold, so I tend to shrug off a lot of things that other people are discomfited by. *chuckles*
Oh, and Smaller is being adorable. I don’t think that we’re planning a birthday party for her, but she’s sure planning one. Apparently, there’s gonna be a bouncy castle, and she is going to pick what goes into the party bags. I mean, I’m not against her having a party either, but like. *laughs* It’s cute. She’s cute. I’m glad every day for her bouncy little existence in my life.
Right, gonna go curl up and eat dinner.