I had a post office run to make earlier when I spotted my first daffodil. Of course, I probably would have spotted some sooner if I actually ever left the house, but let’s put that to the side. I was amused because it was coming up the correct time of year, but it’s been a mild winter. I want to think that they came up before last winter, one that we actually had snow during. Or I could be mixing it up with a year before that, who knows. So it feels like it’s telling a bit of a fib coming up on time instead of early, but yanno, [[citation needed]].
Today was that point in chasing my tail at work where I finally feel like I am on the right path… which heh, tomorrow is the last day of the month and I proooobably won’t get everything caught up then. Oh well. There aren’t super-many February year ends to deal with, but there’s enough that my tail will evade me for awhile again. Oh well, redux. At least it helps me find amusement in the circular nature of my work?
Anyways. Off to doing other things.