When I came down this morning, Smalls dashed ahead of me and started pointing at my desk. ‘Look Mommy, somebody drew a butt there!’ I gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her I loved her, smiling because it’s excellent to start the day with a highly amused childling. Obviously, she’d done it, and she ‘fessed up’ as well, but considering myself and Z, she knew she’d done no wrong. I told Z about it and commented, ‘She’s so our child.’ Because she is. xD
((now she’s dancing around and giggling ’cause she came and read over my shoulder — may she always delight in doing silly things))
My brain spent all day convinced it was Friday, even though I knew better. I mean, it’s not far from right… I think it’s just all the whole ‘please be the holiday break already’ sort of thing. Hopefully between these two things, it will spur me on to getting even more work done tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes.
For now, back to knitting. I turned the heel of my second sock last night, and I’ve gotten a few rows done on the foot. It will be nice to see how far I can get with it.