I can’t pin it down yet, but I’ve been rocking chronic headaches lately. I think I might be sleeping in a funny position; I’m basing this on the fact that I have neck pain as well. I’m trying to get by as best I can, but like… I’m super-sensitive to sound at the best of times. This is not the best of times, and I have two vivacious children who like to shout and shrill at each other while they play. I feel a bit bad because I have to keep asking them to quiet down. I’d honestly rather be able to leave them be, but like… me having a meltdown on them would be even worse. It’s not fair to them, and I admit that to them.
((Hah, Smalls read this over my shoulder and suggested I change the title to ‘Headache Meltdown’. I’m not gonna, but at least the headache has lifted enough for me to smile at that, and her))
Headache aside, it’s been a lovely day. It’s very nice to be able to do my work with nobody else around, with my own music, and otherwise silence. The weather is trending colder and crisper, and that puts a big smile on my face. I’ve had a soak, and while that didn’t seem to do much for my neck, at least my hair is un-grossed. It was… pretty gross; a lack of spoons saw to that.
Anyways. Gonna go back to other things. Dord!