Nearly There

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I’ve been slowly plugging at my sewing all day, and the unicorn is nearly done. I just have to sew in the blue star (which ended up looking more like a flower), and then start threading the hair and mane in. I don’t know how tedious that may or may not be, but I guess I will see when I get there. And then it will be done, and I can sing hosannas on high or something.

I found out this afternoon that someone I knew from the knitting group died last night. She took a tumble, and things went downhill from there (pun not intended). She wasn’t like, a close friend or something, and most of my attention towards her the last month or two has been amusement at the mid-level marketing quack nostrum she’s selling (seriously, results so obviously sucking it in that it was hilarious instead of triggering). But you know what? I’d happily see more of those posts if it meant she was alive. She was a sweet person with a steel core, and I guess there will always be a part of me that will be sad I didn’t get to know her better. The tributes on her Facebook wall tell me that she meant a lot to a lot of people, and I hope that wherever she is now, she knows she was, and still is, loved.

Most of the day has otherwise been spent poking at Pokemon, and Simcity. A tornado nicked my nuclear plant and exploded it, so after jiggering my population about to get the best of it out of the fallout, I’m stubbornly waiting the reputed 20 years for it to clear up. It’s slowly paring back, and my city is mainly balanced enough that I can leave it running without needing to do more than stop every couple of minutes and replenish trees (they help clean up pollution, but die off doing it).

Right, time to watch The Last Leg.


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