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After a bit of fiddling to make hair and tail occur on my unicorn, I declared her completely done this morning. I had to stop knitting because my back and shoulders started aching. They’ve been really crappy all day, even with pain meds thrown at them. Knitting in chunky tends to bother it more than most other knitting, so I’ve been doing a few stitches at a time and trying to not do too much damage. But it’s growing quickly and that’s exciting, and that makes me want to keep working on it.

A big part of the fun of it for me is the wide rib. It’s a 4×4 rib, and I’ve not done one that big before. It’s super pretty, and well, chunky for chunky. I’m making it oversized too even if it says that it’ll be stretchy due to its nature, so room for chunky in the chunky for chunky, ha ha.

We’ve done a good job today of doing nothing. Ish. I made myself do a load of dishes so Z wouldn’t have quite as many to do, and he supervised the girls in getting washed up. There’s so many things that still need doing, but we’re both physically wrecks right now. I did manage to haul a load of laundry down… not that we’re likely to get any of that done tonight. Maybe if I write it down here I’ll remember to do it tomorrow. We’ll see.

For now, it looks like I’ve got the ‘fun’ of refilling my pill caddy. Woo. xD


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