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People are surprisingly on the ball here about getting the leaves up; I only saw a few scattered across the pavement and grass when I was out earlier. Which isn’t to say that the trees are already fully denuded, just that the air is bitey and already in what my brain considers ‘Texas winter’ range.

Otherwise, I’ve spent the day poking around in Pokémon Shield, and making stitch markers. The latter I’ve put aside for the day, while the former… I’m feeling a bit less salty over it. I’ve done several Dynamax battles now, and realising that I don’t have to do them with actual other people is a Good Thing™®. I don’t know if that’s going to be the case with the Raids, but I can hope. As it were, I’m currently not even to the first gym and have over 40 Pokémon, so no idea what to expect. I’ve read almost nothing about it, not for any desire to avoid spoilers, just. I thought I wasn’t going to really get into it. So now I have the bonus of being relatively unspoilered, and no idea of where it’s gonna take me. That’s sort of nice, I guess.

Right, back to that, and a bit of knitting.


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