Safe Crackers

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Z had the clever idea to put the cat treats in a metal lunchbox. The boys have zero effs about chewing through packages of food or treats if they feel they are being cheated, so it’s mildly hilarious to watch Vivi try to chew his way through a metal lunchbox. He’s not biting hard enough to do himself any harm, I add — just sort of jaws it to show it who is actually boss.

My blood test results already came in, you know, from the tests yesterday. I can’t make complete heads or tails of it (I’ll let the nurse do that), but I’m pretty sure that the diabetic-related numbers all came back in normal ranges. So the nurse will be happy about that. Less happy about the cholesterol stuff I’m sure, but then, I wasn’t working on that. One thing at a time, you know?


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