Take Two

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It took a couple of hours, but my thread binder is organised to current standard. I’ll have to do it all again at some point if I buy more thread, but hopefully this’ll so me for a bit. I’ve also made a point to put a bit of scotch tape at the top of each slot to see if it helps keep things in place… I think it’s going to do good. We’ll see!

For now, looooooong weekend, ’cause levelling up. I don’t have any plans outside of Z fetching some food from one of my fave restaurants in town to celebrate. My brain is also wants five million kittens, but I don’t think any number of kittens are gonna roll up. Sigh? Sigh. I mean, I’m getting older, and the semi-dormant crazy cat lady gene is more and more demanding, ha ha.

Anyhoos. I’m off. Have a good one, y’all.


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